Volunteer with GCTPR
There are many ways to get involved and participate in our all-volunteer organization
Kitten Season Recruiting Drive
Gulf Coast Tiny Paws Rescue is growing and needs more volunteers. Kitten season is here and there are lots of opportunities to volunteer in our organization. We know that life is busy and complicated, but volunteering is very rewarding and satisfying. As a 501c3 Non-profit our volunteer hours do count for Honor Societies and College applications. The more volunteers we have the less everyone must do and the more animals we can save, help, and find forever homes for.
We have openings and opportunities in the following areas, hopefully, there will be one that has your name on it.

Adoption Event Staffing
- Adoption Counselors.
- Trainees or Assistants.
- Cat or Dog handlers.
- Cat or Dog whisperers.
- Set Up and Tear Down Crew (takes about an hour to set up or tear down and return our supplies to our storage shed).
Condo Volunteers
- Takes about an hour per shift to feed, clean, and help socialize our guests. You can do one or more, SHIFTS of your choice.
Support Staff
- Social Media writers.
- Writers to create kennel cards & cage cards.
- Write up press releases for local magazines or newspapers.
- Fund-raising and supply donation recruiting.
- Transportation team.
- Transport supplies to Fosters.
- Transport animals to/from Fosters.
- Transport animals to/from spay/neuter clinics.
- Transport animals to/from vet offices.
- Pick up donations from local pet stores.
FosteringAdoption Event Volunteers
We need volunteers to help us setup, teardown, and staff our adoption events. Adoption events last 3-4 hours. It’s important for volunteers to meet and greet all of the people that attend our events and look at our animals. The safety of our volunteers, adopters, and animals is vital to our program.
Cat & Kitten Condos
We need volunteers to help with our cat and kitten condos. Our condos need support twice per day with regular cleaning, feeding, and playing. Shifts are 45 – 60 minutes.
Foster Families
We need help in our foster organization. We have many animals and continue to be asked to take in more every day. The more fosters we have in our program, the more animals we can accept into our care.
- Adult cats or dogs.
- Teenage cats or dogs.
- Pregnant Moms (healthy and soon-to-deliver babies).
- Nursing moms.
- Kittens.
- Self-feeders.
- Transitional (learning to eat solid food but still requiring a bottle).
- Bottle Babies.
- Pregnant Dogs.
- Nursing moms.
- Injured or Sick Cats or dogs.
- Cats or kittens in need of socialization.
- Dogs or puppies in need of socialization.
Other opportunities:
- Administrative
- Communications
- Fundraising
- Marketing
- Medical
- Mentoring
- Photography
- Not sure (ask!)
If you enjoy doing a particular activity, talk with us, we can probably use your specialty.
It takes an army to be a true Rescue which we are. We often physically rescue animals, we intake from Veterinarian Hospitals, vet offices, animal shelters, and other rescues. We specialize in tinies and the injured. We have volunteers with expertise and specialized ICU units that very few organizations have to be able to provide specialized and time-consuming care that most shelters and organizations are not able to provide.
“We can provide this kind of care because of our volunteers. We also don’t compete with many shelters who re-home animals and do an excellent job.”
If you would like to talk about or explore any of the above-mentioned volunteer positions, please contact us at gulfcoasttinypawsrescue@gmail.com. You can also help us by following and sharing our social media posts and fundraising.

Our organization is completely run by volunteers that are generous with both their time and energy.
Some of our Amazing Volunteers